Saturday, September 13, 2014


I am starting this from scratch, so it will take awhile to get really useful...but, I've got to start SOMEWHERE!  So, Here goes:


  • Start preparing your indoor plants to come back inside, being sure they are in before frost. You need to be sure they don't have insects hiding anywhere. You also want to clean off the pots, especially if they were sunken into the soil for their summer sojourn!
  • It's time to put your Amaryllis to sleep!  Check my blog entry on this wonderful plant at my Transplanted Gardener site.  It will help you see the entire progression of an amaryllis year, including the September "piece".
  • Poinsettias should now be put in their dark corner for at least 16 hours each day in order to set up their bracts to be colorful by Christmas time.
  • Just a note here about fertilizing: Most of our houseplants have their major growth spurts during the spring so giving them a monthly fertilization at that time will be very helpful.  Generally during the fall and winter they just kind of "hang in there" so I'd lay off the fertilizer during that time.

    As you can see, this is going to be a painfully slow process.  I have attempted to use the internet to find additions, but it's all about schedules for OUTDOOR gardeners.  So, this may be a first!  Keep tuned!
    I hope you'll come visit.  Do check out my other blog called: A Transplanted Gardener.  I post about both indoor and outdoor gardening in Seattle, WA.  It is mostly about the community I live in, but it would apply to most anyone!